
BITS & BYTES 1985年3月のWozのインタビュー記事



Appleは経費の90%をApple IIIにかけたのに利益は全体の3%しか無かったといってます。

MacGibbon: The other day. you were talking about the Apple Ill taking 90% of the company effort for 3% of the Income. Were those the figures?

Wozniak: Three per cent of the income - easily 90% of the creation efforts. Maybe more.


時期とApple社内の話。1980年から1983年まで、最大の売り上げはApple IIだった。Apple IIの宣伝は無く、スタッフもApple IIIのみでApple IIは居場所が無かった。


MacGibbon: What years were those?

Wozniak: 1980 to 1983, the years when the Apple II was our largest selling computer. Those days, we had no ads for Apple Ils. If you looked at all the dealer promotions, it was all Apple Ill. All of our internal product development was Apple III. Our staff all had Apple Ills on their desks - no Apple Ils. We paid our people to write for computer magazines, and gave them twice as much per word to write about the Apple Ill.


 AppleAppleのサポートを最小限しか行わなかったけど、ユーザーは、Apple II拡張カードや、増設メモリ、スプレッドシートソフトを買って仕事に使っていた。

All we put out for the Apple II was Logo and Pilot, because they were in its small game, home, education, hobby market. We did not develop those. We basically just bought them and got them into shape for shipping with minimal development.

To the outside world's mind, you could Use the Apple Il for almost anything. Everyone kept trying to use the Apple Il for business purposes and add more to it: plug-in cards, more memory, every spreadsheet you could buy. You could also buy cards to plug in have a megabyte of memory. They got hard disks onto it somehow, and they got operating systems, and they added all the things they wanted.

 Apple IIのユーザーの為にサポートすべきだったけどしなかった。

We should have looked at the users: what they wanted, where they were trying to take the machine was the indication of where we should have supported it. And we didn't.

 Apple IIIの売り上げが僅かだったことに気がつかなかった。Apple IIのサポートにリソースを回すべきだった。Apple IIの開発もこっそり行わなければならなかった。

We had the Apple IIl positioned as our business machine, and never paid attention to the fact it was always going to be such a small percentage of our sales. We should have diverted our resources to supporting the Apple II. Even the Apple lle development came about only as an undercover operation by a manager and an engineer within the Apple Il division.

 Apple IIIが問題なくてもIBM-PCによって売り上げは鈍化したのではという質問に対しては、Apple IIにリソースを回して市場が必要とするものを提供していればシェアを取れた思うと回答してます。

MacGibbon: Even if Apple had got behind the Il at that stage, and if the III hadn't had such a disastrous start, do you think the IBM PC's drive would have been significantly blunted?

Wozniak: I actually believe that if the I had been done right, then it would have been the choice of the higher capability community - instead of the PC. I also think it in the early days we had admitted the Apple III hadn't taken off right, and instead focused on the Apple Il as a higher and business and office solution, we could have given it (the Apple II) a larger share of the market. We could have put in a lot of the things the market considered important.

 Apple IIIの技術的な問題が無いとしたらどう評価するかとの質問に、Openではないが素晴らしいマシンだったと回答。Apple IIIの非Openについても言及。

MacGibbon: Once you ironed out the Apple IIIs technical problems, it turned out a pretty good machine, didn't it?

Wozniak: It's an excellent machine except for openness. We didn't say enough about it - how it works, documentation, use this when you want to, go try this. You know, let users find their own solutions. We sort of said no.

We said we're so brilliant, we created Such a perfect solution. Engineering said "we don't want anybody tampering with this and doing all the random things that are almost impossible to support".

 会長となったスカリーについて。Apple IIIの問題点に気づいて、Apple IIに集中させている。

MacGibbon: How important has been the appointment of John Scully lex Pepsi Cola) as president, in the turnaround in Apple's fortunes?

Wozniak: The new president wasn't tied to a lot of the sacred cow projects. He came in, looked things over very quickly and realised the Apple III was a small percentage of our income, and all of our expenses. He refocused a lot of energy on the Apple Il and it's starting to take place.


The most inspirational person in the world is Steve Jobs. He is very brilliant. spotted a lot of the answers and has created an incredible new technology product the Macintosh rather than just follow in the IBM footsteps. John Scully is heavily behind that and giving support above it.

The company image from this point on will be associated with Macintosh. It gives us higher credibility, although it's still a smaller percentage of our unit sales.